WE WORK TO promote the enhancement, growth and careful use of Mt. Lebanon’s GREEN SPACE PARKS - BIRD PARK, TWIN HILLS AND ROBB HOLLOW - and to foster an appreciation of and respect for the environment.
Join the fun!
The Mt. Lebanon Nature Conservancy has many nature-based programs, volunteer work days, a native plant sale and more. To learn about our events, please see our list of events.
PROGRAMS: Winter seed sowing
Join Mt Lebanon Nature Conservancy board members for an interactive workshop on how to sow seeds in the winter for transplanting in the spring, using recycled containers. You will get to practice, and even take home a container of seeds that will sprout when the weather turns warm.
This program was so popular in 2024 that we are offering two sessions in 2025, both at Sunnyhill Unitarian Church. Registration is required! Save your spot!
View a brief presentation prepared for the Pennsylvania Native Plant Society that explains this project.
PROJECTS: Trish’s Woodland Garden ends 2024 park projects schedule
Volunteers wrapped up our park improvements schedule for 2024 with a project called Trish’s Woodland Garden in Bird Park. This lies at the elbow curve in the “Soccer Field Sprinter” main trail from the parking lot to the soccer field.
In September, our volunteers cleared the area of invasive shrubs and other plants. In October, another crew arrived to plant.
We installed:
49 native trees and shrubs
350 native perennials
34 tree cages to protect the plants from browsing deer
Spread 5 yards of wood chips!
Pulled and bagged invasive English ivy!
We call the area “Trish’s Woodland Garden,” in memory of Conservancy Board Member Trish Beckjord, and donations in her honor funded much of the project.
Thank you to our wonderful customers and volunteers for participating in our annual Native Plant sale!
We sold about 2,500 plants that are finding new homes in the gardens of our neighbors, adding to the biodiversity of our local community, supporting native wildlife, and adding beauty.
Special thanks to UU Church of the South Hills (Sunnyhill) for being such wonderful hosts.
The plant sale is the conservancy’s biggest fund-raiser, and a labor of love for Mt. Lebanon, native insects and animals, and residents who want beautiful, native gardens.
As you install and tend your plants, find resource information on the plant sale information page.
Thank you!
Click on the “donate” button to make a contribution online. Sustaining donations (posted monthly to your credit card) help us the most because they even out the cash flow of our small non-profit organization.
Send a check donation, made out to “Mt. Lebanon Nature Conservancy,” to: P.O. Box 14901, Pittsburgh, PA 15243. Checks minimize the fees we pay for online processing.
We also highly value the time that volunteers give through the year. Hundreds of people join in to help weed, clip, haul or plant. We welcome other volunteer help, such as working with us to develop new programs; staffing booths at events like Mt. Lebanon’s Earth Day; doing some printing or photocopying; or contributing photographs that we can post to social media or our website.